104 - (Act 2) Select a corrupt word during the poem game (this is the long, strange, blocky text that obscures other words).
103 - (Act 2) Experience Natsuki's 'Play with me' scene (this requires writing 2 poems for Natsuki in Act 2).
102 - Review the file poemwords.txt for any anomalies (Found by opening the 'Files' menu in the proper menu on consoles).
101 - (Act 1) Tell Sayori you would still walk home with her.
100 - (Act 1) Call Sayori for help during Natsuki and Yuri’s argument.
99 - (Act 3) Skip Monika while she is talking.
97 - 98 - Achieve the special ending of the story (This the 'Good' ending and requires romancing Sayori, Natsuki, and Yuri during the same playthrough by saving and reloading before Act 2 starts).
96 - Sent in an email (will unlock while doing side stories and experiencing all endings).
95 - (Act 3) Delete Monika's character file before she begins her monologues.
94 - (Act 1) Write all 3 poems for Yuri.
92 - (Act 1) Attempt to load a save file after Sayori’s death.
91 - (Act 1) Write all 3 poems for Sayori.
89 - (Act 1) Write all 3 poems for Natsuki.
87 - Delete Monika’s character file before starting a new game.
86 - (Act 1) Try both Sayori and Monika for weekend help before choosing Natsuki or Yuri.
85 - Select the word ‘doki-doki’ during the poem mini-game.