
Why is my mouse scrolling sideways
Why is my mouse scrolling sideways

  • to 1 (determines horizontal scrolling speed adjust to your preference.
  • In Firefox type about:config in the address bar. Although this page is related to an alternative scroll pad driver (which adds scrolling capabilities to pre-2005 trackpads, BTW), the Firefox-related settings solved my horizontal scrolling problem with the Mighty Mouse as well. However, I found a solution to this problem on this page. I recently got my Mighty Mouse and within thirty minutes, I discovered a major annoyance: horizontal scrolling in Firefox is interpreted as history forward/back.

    why is my mouse scrolling sideways why is my mouse scrolling sideways

    for example, 4 will change the font size when you scroll left and right. Note: By changing the number to something other than 1, you can get interesting results. This is still better for me than scrolling forward and backwards through pages. The only drawback to this (which I have not yet figured out how to solve) is that when I scroll left and right, the directions are reversed. Then scroll down the page until you come to this entry: user set integer 2Change it to read: user set integer 1To do this, simply double click on the 2, and a pop-up window will appear enter 1 and press Return. Enter about:config as the URL and hit enter. To most it may be obvious on how to fix this behaviour, but for the rest of us, you can easily change the horizontal scroll action in Firefox, so that the scroll ball will scroll you up and down, and left and right. The problem for me, with this behaviour, is that I could not control how many pages forward and backward I would go, and often I would scroll forwards and backwards through pages when all I wanted to do was scroll up and down.

    why is my mouse scrolling sideways

    So left scrolling moved me to the previous page - in theory. Unfortunately on Firefox, the horizontal scrolling moved me forwards and backwards through my current page history. After installing Mighty Mouse and using it with Safari, I was greatly pleased with the horizontal scrolling around pages, using the scroll ball.

    Why is my mouse scrolling sideways