You can do Nuka-World, talk to Shank, get the first quest. Pretty sure Preston/Sturges have to be moved to a different location. You also have to "rescue" the Vault-Tec rep and talk to him in Sanctuary first.

If you want Sanctuary Hills you have to rescue the Minutemen and do the first few quests.

There may be a mod or a console command to get around this. Preston wont give you any quests because you're a raider, and since you can't complete those quests, you can never turn it into a raider settlement. Honestly, because you didn't do the Minutemen quest prior to claiming your first raider settlement, I don't think you can claim Sanctuary Hills as a raider settlement anymore. For example, if Sanctuary Hills was a Raider Settlement, the Minutemen wouldn't want to go there when you rescued them.

The reason you can't is because you still have quests that you haven't done there. You can turn Sanctuary Hills into a Raider Settlement.